Stop One -Railtown and a village of the most incredible topiaries dotted in all the public parks and front yards..Way to cold for the others to venture out of the car just stupid me and the Camera..
Stop Two - Sheffield and a town of Murals on every building ...Coaxed Granny and the twins out for a brisk walk around the town and about 100 snaps. Anna slept on zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Then into a local bakery with a cosie sofa beside a raoring fire and hot coffee..
Stop Three - The Village Of Lower Crackpot - by far the highlight of the trip for the twins. The biggest maze complex in the Southern Hemisphere. Lavender Maze, Balance Maze , Crackpot Village Maze and the AWESOME hedge maze... Love the Witch crashed into the power pole ..
Back seat Crew
Stop Four - Cradle Mountain and Lunch Stop fabulous scenery and crystal clear air just beautiful..
Stop Five - Strachan on the West Coasy of Tasmania and where we lay our heads after a couple of wines and a delicious feast - The View from out hotel dining room
Thanks For looking Marie
sounds like you all had a great time Marie, Tassie is a wonderful place, we enjoyed our trip in february.