I am a Passionate Woman !
This one stumped me a little not so much about what I am passionate about I know that well, but how to go about documenting it. I was browsing some of the awesome blogs I have discovered through this challenge and some I visit frequently, when I came across Tracey Holdyk's blog { someone I would like to think I can call friend } I love the way Tracey used an interview type format, so I decided to interview my family and friends and see what they said. Thanks Tracey...
- Food
- Photography
- Art
- Interior Design and Decorating { Moving the furniture ALL the time }
- Getting a Bargain
- Wine
- Food and eating well
- Photography
- Inspiring others
- Nesting { More subtle way of saying moving the furniture all the time }
- Pursuing creative outlets
- Cooking as apposed to food & Cook Books
- Photography of all descriptions not just food
- Music
- Friends
- Sharing
- Art Appreciation and Teaching
- Paint and Paper
- Feng Shui { Moving the furniture }
- Coffee & Cake
- Wine
I bet when my friends read this that will say oh yes i forgot that one........
I feel that I put my heart and soul into all I do and hopefully my passion shines through.
Thanks again for popping in and leaving lovely comments.
I too love rearranging furniture! My husband is probably sick of coming home to different things so often haha!
ReplyDeleteI love the photos you chose for this post! I am too described as a really passionate person + I think that is the best way to live life! Have a great day :)
ReplyDeleteLove this list! You have so many passions that I do. love that! also, your pictures are awesome!
ReplyDeleteSo many lovely things to be passionate about! Loved your list. First time at your wonderful space. Glad that I could read. Hopping from #blogtemberchallenge. :)
ReplyDeleteI am glad I found you through blog-tember! I LOVE your interview format! Very creative! I asked my fiancé what he thought my passions where as I was writing my post last night and it was a cool conversation starter!
ReplyDeleteI love that everyone notices your love for moving furniture! ha! That's awesome!!
I love the formatting you did for this prompt and you have some pretty great passions!
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of asking people that know you what they feel are your passions!
ReplyDeleteCoffee and Cake, girl I feel you!
ReplyDeletexoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld
Getting a bargain is always great!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your "me list" and I also love rearranging furniture my husband comes home daily to find things moved around! Change is always good :)